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I often hesitate to write about what I am reading. I don't want to seem pedantic, but I still believe in the power of the written word. In an attempt to take control of my time and stay away from screens as much as possible, I set a goal to read 10 books in 2023. A sub-goal was to read more fiction. After graduate school, I stayed in the non-fiction genre too much and felt that I needed to expand my horizons.

In this post, I want to share what I've been reading and some tips on creating and maintaining the habit of reading. Comic books and audiobooks also count. Anything to keep you from doom-scrolling.

What I am reading:

  1. Lord of The Rings - Fellowship of The Ring, JRR Tolkien: I read the Hobbit first and that was a delightful read. If you don't feel that you have in you to read the whole trilogy at least give The Hobbit a chance. So far, LOTR is quite slow, but the amount of details and breath of details Tolkien builds in each sentence is nothing short of inspiring. (physical copy)

  2. The Creative Act, Rick Rubin: Even though my goal is to read more fiction, non-fiction is always there for me. This book, in particular, has an interesting pace that makes the reading flow. The main topic of the book is the act of creation and has helped me understand myself as an artist. Even though I have two art degrees, I was still reluctant to call myself an artist. If you feel called to make things, this is a great read that can help support your making and give you some tips to continue on this journey. (digital copy)

  3. Later Essays - Susan Sontag: This is a book of multiple essays and speeches given by Sontag from the 1990s to the 2000s. I already have a deep appreciation for her work as a student of images and, in times of conflict, her essays "Here" and "There" and Regarding The Pain of Others, bring a sobering view of conflict and the images that come from it. If you want to think deeply about how we see the world, her essays are a great place to spend some time. (physical copy)

Some tips for getting started with reading:

Read something you want to read, it can even be an article online. Try different kinds of "reading." From audiobooks to digital books, or physical ones; find the experience that engages you the most. I enjoy reading both physical and digital books but I have yet to explore the world of audiobooks.

Make time and set a timer for reading. This can be a 15-minute period. Maybe make it into a ritual; brew yourself some tea, wear comfortable clothes, grab a blanket, and get ready for this experience. Ritualizing some aspects of life can help turn them into habits that stick around.

Through reading, you are allowing someone else's view of the world into your own. I believe this is a great way to push against the bubbles of information we are trapped in online. I hope you enjoyed this short post and let me know in the comments what you are reading at the moment.

PS.: my goal of reading 10 books this year was achieved in June. So now that I've built momentum it is easier to maintain the motivation to read.


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