hello there

hello there

I’m Vitoria, no c

also known as Vitoria Faccin-Herman. I am Brazilian-born and midwestern at heart. I’m a graphic design educator and experimenter. I’m always trying something new in the classroom and in my practice.

My work is a mixture of creative and academic efforts. You can see my cyanotype work above and over to the right we have some of my paintings in both watercolor and murals.

Long side of a storage shed decorated with a mural of a sunset behind the Montana pine trees and two grizzly bears, one grown and one cub, in shadow.

Mural I did for my neighbor. He’s from Montana and wanted something that reminded him of home.

Some plein air watercolor paintings I did while out biking.

Here are some of my zines.

Zine is short for magazine. These are short and easily reproducible publications that became very popular with the development of the Xerox machine in the 80s.

This is one of my favorite mediums and I would love to see you make some too. Check out the tutorials below.


I’d love to hear from you!

Send me a message and let’s collaborate.

Sushi waiting for your message!